Like DisplayJS?

If you like DisplayJS, there are three things that you can do:

  • Using DisplayJS in projects and sharing DisplayJS to your friends
  • Star ⭐️ DisplayJS on Github and help developing DisplayJS
  • Create plugins for DisplayJS

How to develop plugins for DisplayJS

⚠️ You'll need at least the version v0.3.2-beta of DisplayJS if you want to develop plugins.

When you want to develop plugins, your work will only consist of creating functions for DisplayJS. Let's see how you add function to our library using the $.fn() function:


// You can change the "myFunctionName" by your custom name
$.fn().myFunctionName = function (args) {
   // If you don't want to use JSON for your arguments, you can but we recommend using it.
   var arg = $.extend({ text: "Hello World 🌎!" }, args);

Now, you can simply use the $.myFunctionName() function normally.

⚠️ Questions?

Don't hesitate to ask your questions ⁉️ in the issue part 😁

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